Hansina Iversen

January 27 - March 3, 2024

It is in the negotiation between layers, colors, movements, brush strokes, even on the edge of the surface the paintings are created and become. For the past three decades, Iversen has dedicated herself to non-figurative painting and lithographic work. For the exhibition, Iversen has created a large-scale painting, as well as two smaller paintings and reliefs.

The exhibition title SÚGA, which is related to the Danish word suge, a verb denoting an activity, but in the Faroese context the word is used about nature - about the slow, rhythmical movements of the sea close inshore, where there is a tense relationship between surface and depth, a kind of calm before a storm or the cool draft before the swells hit the rocks.

Hansina Iversen graduated form the art academies in Reykjavík and Helsinki in 1997 and has a large number of exhibitions, public decorations, set designs etc behind her, both in the Faroe Islands, Denmark and abroad. Currently she is working on a outdoor decorations together with Jessie Kleemann and Gudrun Hasle in front of The North Atlantic House in Copenhagen, a gift from the Danish Parliament to Margrethe II, the Queen of Denmark.

The exhibition is kindly supported by Københavns Kommune, Loftbrúgv, Mentanargrunnur Landsins, Statens Kunstfond and Valby Lokaludvalg.

In connection with the exhibition, Poulsen has written an essay about the exhibition and Iversen's works. Read the essay in Danish HERE.

Related press:

Read review by Helle Fagralid, Kunstkritikk HERE.

Image credit: Malle Madsen

Untitled (Skjótt, tó ikki seint/Schnell, doch nicht langsam)


Oil and airbrush on canvas

75 x 90 cm

Image credit: 

Finnur Justinussen



Oil and airbrush on canvas

380 x 200 x 2,5 cm

Untitled (Bowie)


Oil and airbrush on canvas

210 x 70 x 2,5 cm



Oil and airbrush on canvas, sewing thread, screw

40 x 20 x 6